Sunday, January 1, 2012

Baby Smith 2012!

On the top, Josey wearing his Big Brother shirt in May 2010 to announce he was going to be a big brother to our three sweet angel boys.

On the bottom, Josey wearing his shirt in January 2012 to announce that he will once again be a big brother!


Another little Baby Smith is on the way!! We started a new medication for the last cycle. I was having a lot of uncomfortable side effects, but I was trying to keep up hope. The week it was time to take a test, several small things were happening that made me "feel" like maybe I was pregnant. So I was very disappointed when I had a negative test. I actually cried ( I hadn't let myself get my hopes up in a while.) Well...another week went by and I had to take another test, mind you just to prove to my doctor that I wasn't pregnant, so we could see what steps were next for us. I stopped for a test after work on Friday, December, 9th. Of course when I got home I just decided to go ahead and take it. I didn't even wait around to see what it said. I can not quite describe the feelings I had when I walked back in the bathroom and picked it up. Shock, surprise, excitement, fear...It was POSITIVE! I honestly just kind of sat down on the bathroom floor and looked at the test. Josey came in and asked if I was ok and why I was crying. I told him I was just really happy :) I had about 10 minutes until Mike would be home so I hurried up and pulled myself together. I had Josey put on his Big Brother shirt he wore when we announced we were expecting last time. He always hides when he hears the garage door and Daddy has to find him. It was perfect because Josey hid in his closet and I just sat on his bed, so I could video Mike's response on my phone without him suspecting anything. It was awesome! Mike opened the closet door and immediately said, "why are you wearing that shirt?" Pretty observant, right? He said he thought that was the reason but didn't want to guess that if not. He is so sensitive of my feelings. Josey kept saying, "it's my little brother shirt remember?" It was so funny. Finally, Mike turned around and said, "Are you pregnant?" Lots of tears and hugs followed. Now, I can't say we were having the reaction one would imagine. Our moments of happiness quickly turned into discussions of our fears and concerns. Right then, that night we had to decide to be "all in." We have to choose to block out the doubts and fear. I told Mike I feel that the way I think about this is really important to our success. The three of us went to dinner that night to celebrate. As I looked across the table at Mike and Josey, I just simply kept thinking, "Thank you Lord." My heart was full of that special kind of joy and happiness you feel only a few times in life. Well...the question everyone is probably wanting an answer to.......Yes, we saw ONE healthy baby on ultrasound on December 27th! We are due August 13th! We are so happy and so thankful for this little one joining our family.


  1. I couldn't be happier for one of my dearest friends!! God is SO good and He answers prayers!! Love you all!

  2. August 13!!!! Yay! Happy Birthday to me!!!!
