This is an update for those following our infertility journey. I have been so happy to be contacted by some women going through a similar process. Hopefully this blog can help answer some questions or give some a better understanding of what a woman with fertility issues has to face.
It turns out that the lower dosage of Clomid is not working. I am not ovulating. I went to the Dr. and we went over everything. He said our only option at this point is to up the dosage...the level we were using when we conceived the triplets. I know, crazy scary but honestly I didn't even blink. I am completely resting in the fact that God has a plan and He will guide us to the right decision. So with much thought, we decided I should take the Clomid and continue trying.
I was very much hoping that I would be getting a positive pregnancy test result this week. Yes, even after all we've been through I still plan out how I will tell everyone we are pregnant, when the due date would be, and even think about whether it would be a boy or girl. EVERY CYCLE, yeah I know I'm crazy but I can't stop obsessing. Well anyway, I was all excited to take a test on Thursday. On Saturday night I realize I am having some bleeding. I was still thinking ok, maybe it is fine and the cycle did work. Some bleeding can be normal right? Well nope, definitely my period starting. That's right at only day 24 right smack in the middle of a cycle. My usual 45-60 day period had started that early. So now I didn't know if I could start another cycle, because I would have to start the meds again at day 3 which is today already. Ugh! Can I just scream please?! I just feel like crying, but what's new about that?
So I called the Dr. today and he said to go ahead and try to start a new round of Clomid today. However, ready for this...I am on antibiotics for an ear infection, which could cause it not to work. Yep, another cycle that might be doomed from the start. Well that is just a quick update. The journey continues...