Friday, January 13, 2012

One day at a time

I thought it was time to update everyone since I've had many wonderful friends asking how I am doing. My immediate answer is EXHAUSTED! By the time I get home from work I am ready to sleep. I have to fight myself to stay awake until Mike gets home. He has been so wonderful to encourage me to take it easy, take a nap, or just be lazy in general. I have no idea what I would do without him. He takes care of everything. So I pretty much end up napping at some point every night before bedtime. Sometimes I wake up just in time to go to bed :) I am hoping the tiredness passes soon but can I just say I am so thankful to be tired! It just means that this sweet little baby is zapping my energy and growing strong at the same time! It is funny how perspective is everything.
On another answer many that have asked...yes there are moments when fear creeps in. Mommies that have "been there" understand this all too well. Some days I am hesitant to get out of bed or to stand up. Sometimes I will get a pain or a twinge and I want to freak out. I know it is crazy! I have no reason to think anything will happen. I have one baby safe inside. This is the best case scenario. I can't understand now why my three boys were taken from us, but I keep telling myself the circumstances were so different. I am choosing to just be thankful. Every morning before my feet hit the floor I just say "thank you Lord for this baby." I am believing with all my heart that I will be holding a beautiful, healthy baby in my arms this summer. I can't wait!

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